Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick’s day

9 years ago today we first set foot on the beautiful island of Roatan. I think it is fitting that it was St Patrick ’s Day the first time we visited the island.  When I think of Roatan I see the rich green contrasting against the blue of the ocean with some orange mud mixed in and sand around the edges.
                                          Leaving NY City on our first Cruise to Roatan

We must have the luck of the Irish to poses such a beautifully green piece of paradise.  St. Patrick ventured to Ireland to introduce the island to Christianity. We have no need to introduce Roatan to Christianity There are many wonderful Christian people there. We do however have a desire to share the Island with our friends, family and many more.
After a few side trips it seems like a good time to get back to the story, back to the Island.

While on the island looking at properties we discussed all the options our real estate agent showed us extensively. We even began sketching some ideas for building on the site, just in case we decided to buy. Our plans ranged from a simple cabin to a multi dwelling complex. I will spare you the details of the process from plan to another. Somewhere along the way we decided we wanted our structure or structures to be octagon in shape. My husband decided that octagons were the shape that fit the island, and we all agreed. Below is one of the first sketches for a series of small octagon cabins connected by walkways. I love how our plans evolved into what our architect finally drew up for us.

Ultimately we arrived upon the idea that we would build one structure as large as we could afford and fit what we needed.  We began drawings, checking regulations, making plans. This was one of the most exciting parts of the project for me. I am a dreamer, a planner; the process of planning a place in paradise was so unreal.  My husband and I are a crazy balance between the unattainable dreamer and the realist. We usually end up with something in the middle full of whimsy and practicality. And from many rounds of planning, day dreaming, disputing and more planning the Runaway Pineapple Lodge became a drawing for a potential future vacation destination.

Once we arrived upon a plan we had to figure out what to do next. We knew an architect student here in the states who was excited to help us get the basic ideas down on paper.  After passing information back and forth we arrived on what we thought to be a doable starting point with many additions and improvements to be added in the future. These are the parts of the project my daughters and I like to dream about, the future pool, water tower with crow’s nest, zip line to the lower property, all those not so realistic parts of the original project.

With potential plans started how do you go about building a house on a tropical island? We had met a builder while on the island, I loved his work and had gotten his email. We emailed him and made plans to meet with him on our next visit.

We ventured back to the island in July of 2014, seems like forever ago now. We met with a builder, met property management people, met more locals, hung out with our favorite bartender and continued to fall in love with our “one particular harbor” .

On this visit we stayed is a simple cabin just off the beach in West End. This gave us the opportunity to get to know our “neighborhood”. We snorkeled Half Moon Bay, found a favorite breakfast spot , reconnected with our favorite bartender, and walked to our property to dream and make plans.

It seemed like it would all fall into place. We left the island with great plans in anticipation of returning soon to our building in progress.  As today is a celebration of Luck and good fortune I will continue the story another day.

I suppose our troubles are nothing in comparison to those St. Patrick encountered in his attempts to bring Christianity to the island of Ireland.  So be thankful for what you have and the good fortune that shines upon you.

I leave you with my favorite Irish prayer.  One that fits my feelings when I leave the Island.

May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

 May the sun shine warm upon your face,

 The rains fall soft upon your fields and,

 Until we meet again,

 May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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