Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Gambling for plane tickets

I have discovered it does not matter where you are flying to the process of buying plane tickets is more like gambling than retail shopping. When your trip requires several stops to get where you are going and your final destination is an Island with limited flights it becomes even more of a challenge.

We have always had mixed feelings about flying and we have often chosen to drive rather than fly in the states. When you have the option to drive it is possible to balance out all the pros and cons. It is often cheaper to drive and we love to take in the view and enjoy the ride. With all the changes in Airport security and travel restrictions it has become more and more difficult to get through the airport and on the plane.

While it is technically possible to drive to Honduras I think in this case the cons greatly outweigh the pros of driving.  It would be amazing to have a wonderful adventure driving all the way to La Ceiba and take the ferry to the island.  It would not be a logical means of travel for a short term visit.  So this leaves us with no option other than flying to our beautiful island.

So as I said I find myself gambling for plane tickets. It is a challenging process and when it was just a matter of finding an affordable vacation to a great location for the best available price, the process was kind of fun.  Now we find ourselves needing to go to the island at specific times with limited funds and this game is not as fun.

I find myself searching the internet with multiple screens open to many travel sites in search of the elusive Tuesday afternoon. I play the game of plane seat roulette, do I wait another week in hopes of better prices, do I take the price they offer before the plane is full.  Do I jump on the available seats before the 50 day window closes? 

Then of course there is the balance of price vs number of stops, and time taken for the trip. It can be downright dizzying to sift through all the possible routes, times, stops and final arrival time. 

There are really no magic answers to the plane ticket gamble. I try to set a price I am willing to pay for flights and a list of must haves for route and time, as soon as I get close to that price or below that price I take the plunge. Then I try not to look back, because if you look back a few day or weeks later and find you could have saved hundreds of dollars you know you have lost this round.

Ultimately the great reward is the destination. Arriving on my island becomes the primary goal and ultimate reward for my efforts and once you see the island below the whole game dissolves into anticipation of sun, snorkel, and sipping a nice island drink.  




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