Thursday, September 10, 2015

An ending and a beginning.

It was amazing to walk out the door of our little apartment down the dock and look out at the reef.  We were able to enjoy the reef in many ways in Sandy Bay. It was a swim to the reef but not too far. The trip there was an adventure, over sea grass, past sea fans and eventually to the edge of the reef. We also kayaked out one day and went around the outer edge to the deep channel.


We spent a lot of our time in Sandy Bay thinking and discussing   our future on Roatan. We had looked at many properties in different locations.  We narrowed it down to three categories. The logical became a home we could easily rent to expats, dive instructors and other long term residents of Roatan. And by long term I mean 3 months to several years. The second was the vacation option; this option included buying a condo or beach front unit that we could easily enjoy for vacations for many years to come as well as rent to families for their vacations.

The third option was the crazy dream option. I guess that is the only thing to call it. The Crazy Dream where we buy a piece of land and build a dream vacation location. 


We reached the last few days of our trip and decided to take one last adventure to West End. We wandered out to the road and found getting a taxi to be very easy. As soon as we arrived at the road a taxi stopped and we got in. It was a rainy cold evening at Monkey Island it was quiet and we enjoyed some music and time to think about the amazing 2 weeks we had.  The musician played come Monday as we left Come Monday has a special meaning to me and my friend I was texting throughout the trip. We became good friends on our first trip on that cruise to Roatan. When they visited us after that cruise we traveled together to our last adventure before they headed home.  Come Monday played on the radio as they left. I will always remember that song as a leaving song. It fit the mood on the chilly rainy night in Roatan.

We continued to think about property and our future on Roatan. This dream option seemed to be the only one that really fit for us. We found an amazing piece of property on a hill just outside West End, a little over an acre of land at the end of a road.  When you stand at the top of the hill in the corner of the property you see nothing but tropical trees behind you, there is a house off through the trees to the right, to the left a valley full of nothing but tropical beauty and to the front the ocean. As we stood there for the second time in our trip we felt this is it this is our Roatan home. We had asked our real estate agent to bring us back there again because none of the other properties felt right. So it looks like the crazy dream is the only option for us.

Friday the rain continued so we spent the day packing and visiting, no more snorkeling days for me. Then Saturday morning arrived time to leave our magical island behind. It was again a rainy day. We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare. As we boarded the plane it started to pour, it seemed fitting that it was raining. The island always cries when I leave, it had rained both times we left the island on a cruise. I cried as the plane left the runway; every time we depart I leave a piece of my heart in Roatan.  So we began our long trek home.  I feel I can never get enough of this place.   I did have a feeling it may be the beginning of a new adventure, the return to Roatan. When a dream becomes a reality now that is a story I can’t wait to tell.

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