Thursday, September 10, 2015

Too drunk to Karaoke

We found ourselves in Roatan during an extended rainy season. We woke on Wednesday to a tree falling in the wind.  Another rainy day not fit for snorkeling. We decided to drive around and see what turned up. We checked out Roatan Museum at Anthony’s Key. Nothing else going on there so we decided to go see the new cruise port ,Mahogany Bay, but it was closed, no ships came in due to bad weather. It was no calmer on that side of the island so still not a beach day. We drove past the Pirates zip line and decided to see if we could get a better price because the cruise ships did not show. The line was slow due to rain but everyone had fun. Aleena’s must do activity done. Mine is a sighting of a sea turtle hopefully. We returned to the West End for some dinner, it was very quiet being a Wednesday night in a slow season. We returned home to and discovered the weather took out the power. We are accustomed to power outages, they happen often in the Adirondacks. So having no power on a tropical Island was no big deal to us. We decided to go to bed and see what the next day had to offer.
Thursday morning came and we finally got to head out to look at some property. I could spend quite a bit of time explaining the property search process but only one of them mattered so I will stick to the rest of the trip.

I forgot to explain our laundry adventure. We took our laundry down to wash it at the laundry mat in West End, at least that is what we thought we were doing.  When we got there we discovered a nice Island woman who does all the laundry. She took my bag weighed it, gave me a price and held up 10 fingers and said “manana”  . So I left hoping my clothing would all be there in the morning.  I was a little worried that maybe all the used clothing we saw for sale in town was collected from all the tourists who drop their laundry of . But sure enough the next morning we picked up our clean and folded laundry.

 Thursday after looking at property we decided to go down to West End and try out this amazing chicken place everyone on TripAdvisor raves about. Well it was one of the best meals we had on Island they had great chicken, lots of food and really really affordable. I will be visiting here often when we return.  After chicken we headed down to Monkey Island to see what was going on. Dave our hippy friend was there with some friends, Jon was playing music. We had a great time and thanks to Dave an island taxi driver and my new favorite bar tender I enjoyed a few to many Rum and cokes. To each action there is an equal and opposite reaction or a consequence depending on how you look at it. Any way I found myself at the Blue Marlin singing karaoke with Dave and a new found friend. Sorry Roatan I promise never to do that again. That was one thing I never intended to check off my life list, I’m pretty sure this activity it was no where near my bucket list. And contrary to popular belief you can be “too drunk to karaoke”.



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