Thursday, September 10, 2015

It all began over 8 years ago.

It all started well at least my conscious knowledge of it began when I was to turn 40. I have always been drawn to the sun the beach places warm. The amazing people and places God has put here. I decided it was time to take a trip. Nate came home and said we should go to Roatan. . I said something like what is Roatan. He said an Island in Honduras. . The funny thing is my sister had been taking mission trips to Uganda. I kept referring to her travels as going to Honduras. Must have been buried someplace back in my deepest thoughts, dreams. So I set out to find a trip to Roatan. Travel there in 2007 was expensive and somewhat difficult.  So I decided maybe Roatan was a future trip and settled on a cruise. My travel agent said I may have a cruise you would like. It goes to Roatan. I said book it.

We set off on a trip to Roatan. Via NY City, Key West, Cozumel and Belize. I took Nate’s and now my desire to go to Roatan to mean we had some great purpose in going there. I found an orphanage and planned to take many things to them, maybe we are going to find a child to support or bring home. We did make it to Roatan and with much planning we were able to give the orphanage things. We met the children there and found it to be a place where other people’s hearts belonged. We had a beautiful day of snorkeling and enjoying the island. The day was all too short and we were whisked away to the ship. It rained as we left. Nate and I stood on the deck of the ship and tears filled my eyes as if I was leaving something special behind. I didn’t know if I would ever find my way there again.
This photo is sunrise the day we arrived in Roatan on our first cruise there. I know this was going to be a special day but I had no idea how much this day would change the course of my life.
Here we are leaving Roatan for the first time. It rained when we left, it always seems to rain when we leave the Island, I like to say the Island cries when I leave but I think it is the other way around.

For those of you who have been to Roatan recently or live there now this photo will take you back. The pier looks nothing like this now. 


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